
The New Dispensation promises to develop Zimbabwe in line with Zim at 42 theme

His Excellency the President and ZANU PF First Secretary Cde E.D Mnangagwa said the theme for this year’s 42nd Independence celebrations; “Zimbabwe at 42: Leaving No-one and No Place Behind” is the New Dispensation’s promise of a Development that ensures everybody a share in the development of the country.

President Mnangagwa said this whilst addressing children from across all the ten provinces of the country who had come to attend the Children’s Party at the State House in Bulawayo where the 42nd independence celebrations for 2022 were being held.

For the first time since independence in 1980, the Independence celebrations are being held outside Harare proving that the New Dispensation is committed to the devolution agenda.

“The theme of our 42nd Independence celebrations and the Childrens Party; “Zimbabwe at 42: Leaving No-one and No Place Behind” is our promise as the Second Republic that everybody, including you our young boys and girls, will share in the development and prosperity of our wonderful country.

“Exactly 42 yrs ago, on the 18th of April 1980, the British Flag was lowered and our Zimbabwean Flag raised for the very first, marking our victory over colonialism and the birth of our independent nation. Today, we are independent, free and democratic country. As a result of many young boys and girls, some who were around your age, who fought to liberate our country. As our children, I urge you never to forget this rich history,” President Mnangagwa said.

His Excellency President Mnangagwa went on to call upon the children to play their part for a brighter Zimbabwe and went on to call upon the children to be hard working in nation building.

“As the bona-fide future of this great country, I call upon you our children to be aware that you have a duty and responsibility to play a part for a better and brighter Zimbabwe by studying hard, being respectful, loving your country and one another, rejecting drug and substance abuse. This is why, as your President and parent, I always say ’Ilizweliyakwangabanikazibalo, Nyikainovakwanevenevayo’, brick upon brick, stone upon stone. ‘Lina yiniabanikazi, Imindimivenevayo’.

“It is also my wish to see a generation of young people emerging from among you that is identified and distinguished by the love of their country. This must be expressed through hard-honest work and active participation in community and nation building activities. In addition, the way you express, conduct your lives and carry yourselves must remain a source of pride to us your parents, guardians and leaders,” President Mnangagwa said.

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