Zanu PF Sandton Branch Executive

Zanu PF Sandton Branch Executive Committee is comprised strictly by professionals and technocrats led by Cde. Advocate Simba Chitando who is one of the most prominent Zimbabwean lawyers.

The Sandton Branch Executive Committee is committed to strict observance of the Zanu PF Constitution, Zanu PF structures, the Constitution of the Republic of Zimbabwe, the South African Constitution, the African Union Constitutive document, the rule of law, the founding principles of the revolution, reengagement, the Zimbabwe is open for business mantra, Vision 2030, the “nyika inovakwa nevene vayo” principle, professionalism, the involvement of the youth, the diaspora, and women in the development of Zimbabwe under the capable leadership of the First Secretary of Zanu PF, Commander in Chief of the Zimbabwean Defence Forces, and President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Dr Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Cde. Adv Simba Chitando


Cde. Edgar Bvuma

Deputy Chairperson


Secretary Administration

Cde. Emmanuel Charumbira

Secretary for Finance

Cde. Sharon Nyoni

Secretary for Commissariat

Cde. Spencer Chiriseri

Secretary for Security

Cde. Brian Sebastian

Secretary for Transport and Social Welfare


Secretary for Information and Publicity


Secretary for Legal Affairs

Cde. Resina Kuwanda

Secretary for Indigenisation & Economic Empowerment

Cde. Fezile Josephy

Secretary for Production and Labour


Secretary for Health, Child Welfare & The Elderly

Cde. Farai Madziwanyika

Secretary for Economic Affairs

Cde. Chenjerai Padare

Secretary for Education

Cde. Mercy Matope

Secretary for Gender and Culture

Cde. Tendai Chitando

Secretary for Welfare of the Disabled & Disadvantaged Persons

Cde. Amanda Furamera

Secretary for Land Reform & Resettlement

Cde. Michael Gora

Secretary for Science & Technology

Cde. ED Battes

Secretary for Business Liason & Development

Cde. Leo Mapfirakupa

Secretary for Environment & Tourism