The Party Cells

The cell is the vanguard of the Party at the level of the village and the community, representing its interest, expressing its aspiration and mobilizing the membership to work together for their area’s development. Members of Cell Execute Committee hold Office for a period of one year. So the heart beat of the party is the Cell. ZANU PF is people and people are ZANU PF are people.

The Branches

The branch is made up of ten cells. Its Executive Committee is elected every two years at a Branch Conference by delegates representing each of the ten cells.

The Districts

The district consists of 10 Branches whose delegates elect the District Executive Committee once every two years.

District Coordinating Committee (DCC)

The DCC consists of elected members from the branches who represent the main wing, women’s league and the youth league.

The Provinces

The province consists of as many Administrative Districts as there are in a Province and all Party Districts. Members of the Provincial Executive Council are elected at Provincial Conference by the delegates representing each Party district in the province. The provincial elections are held once every three years.

The National Consultative Assembly

The National Consultative Assembly comprises members of the Central Committee, National Assembly of the Women’s League and their deputies, the 10 provincial executive councils, former members of the Central Committee on account of their contribution to the liberation struggle or development of the country after independence.
It receives, hears and debates any major matters of policy as the President and First Secretary or Central Committee shall from time to time determine. It also makes recommendations to the Central Committee on any matters of policy relating to the party or government. It meets at least twice a year.

The Central Committee

The Central Committee is the principal organ of the Congress and consists of 230 members drawn from the Party’s country 10 Provinces. It acts on behalf of Congress when it is not in session and among other things; implement all policies, resolutions, directives, decisions, and programs enunciated by Congress. The Central Committee meets once in three months.

The Politburo

The Politburo is the standing Committee of the Central Committee and implements all the decisions, directives, rules and regulations of the Central committee. It meets at least once a month and is answerable to the Central Committee on all matters. The Patriotic Front (PF) was formed as a political and military alliance between ZAPU and ZANU during the war against white minority rule in Rhodesia(now Zimbabwe).